There are three holy days in March for which we will have services: on March 5, Ash Wednesday, the blessing and imposition of ashes will mark the beginning of Lent on the Western calendar. On March 11, we will celebrate the feast day of our patron, St. Gregory. We will celebrate the eve of the Feast of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary on March 24. On each of these occasions, Vespers will be at 6:30pm, Mass at 7, with a pot-luck Lenten supper following.
Lent is a time for focusing our attention on the disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. To help with our Lenten discipline, St. Gregory’s parish will offer the following devotional opportunities: The Penitential Psalms will be sung on Tuesday, March 4 (“Shrove Tuesday”) at 6pm. On five Fridays during Lent (March 14, 21, and 28, and April 4 and 11), we will have Stations of the Cross and sing the Litany of the Cross at 7pm. Confessions can be made after Saturday Vespers, after Stations of the Cross, or by appointment with Fr. Nicholas. Please remember to be generous in alms-giving during Lent.
At our annual Parish Meeting on February 23, Parish Council members were chosen. For the year 2025, they are: Keivan Shahrokhi, David Caldwell, Karl Tsuji, Monica Burnett, Nathaniel Green, and Kyle Housley.
Read the full March newsletter here.