We will celebrate the feast day of our patron saint – St. Gregory the Great, Bishop, Confessor and Doctor – on the Eve, Monday, March 11, with Vespers at 6:30 pm, Mass at 7, followed by a pot-luck supper. St. Gregory was pope (patriarch) of Rome with episcopal oversight for the Christians from the far north of
England to north Africa. He organized our liturgy, hence the Mass bearing his name; he composed hymns and made the music of the church a concern, hence the chant bearing his name; he honored the saints of the church with his writings (called the “Dialogues”); and his missionary zeal led him to send monks to Britain to convert the pagan inhabitants to Christianity, hence the title “Enlightener of the English”. We give thanks for the witness of St. Gregory and ask for his
intercessions for our parish.
In this month, we move from the season of Epiphany to the three weeks which prepare us for the season of Lent, which is itself a season of preparation for Paschaltide: Septuagesima (March 3), Sexagesima (March 10), and Quinquagesima (March 17). Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 20, when we will receive the imposition of ashes at the beginning of Mass. On the Fridays of Lent, beginning on March 29, we will have Stations of the Cross and Litany at 6:30 pm.
Mass for the feast of the Annunciation will be celebrated on Monday, March 25.
During Lent, we are asked to participate in the Orthodox Christians for Life project called “National Orthodox Baby Shower”. We will collect needed items (such as diapers and formula) for the Shady Grove Pregnancy Center. This is in addition to our usual offering for the Archdiocesan Food for the Hungry program.
Read the full March newsletter here.