We were so blessed to have our new Metropolitan, SABA, with us on Rogation Monday, May 22. His Eminence was present for a service of Matins (within the Octave of our Feast of Dedication), followed by the Litany of Saints, which is appointed for the Rogation days, sung in procession around the building. Sayedna spoke briefly to us about always living the Resurrection and then met with the clergy of the Chesapeake Deanery. Thank you to those who helped prepare and serve the luncheon which followed.
The great Feast of Pentecost, celebrating the giving of the Holy Spirit, is on June 4; we will observe the Vigil of Pentecost at 10AM on Saturday morning, June 3.
Our Archdiocesan appeal to provide help to those affected by the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria has been fruitful. The financial contributions from around the Archdiocese so far amount to more than $1.75 million and St. Gregory’s contributed $2,520 to that total. Six parishes who have members with relatives among the survivors and the departed collected specific items of food, clothing, and medical aid. A large shipping container of these items was sent to Balamand, Lebanon, and from there, Patriarch JOHN X is overseeing the distribution to those in need.
The Parish Life Conference for the Diocese of Oakland, Charleston, and the Mid-Atlantic will be held at Antiochian Village June 28 through July 2.
Read the full June newsletter here.