We begin the new year with the celebration of the Circumcision of Our Lord. Matins will be at 9:30AM on Wednesday, January 1, and Mass will be at 10:00 followed by a pot-luck brunch and games.
Metropolitan PHILIP, has directed that all parishes in the Archdiocese celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany on Sunday, January 5 (the actual date is January 6) in order that more people will experience one of the most ancient and important feasts of the Church year. In the season of Epiphany, we celebrate the arrival of the gentile Wise Men, which shows that Christ came for all people; and we celebrate the Baptism of Our Lord and his first miracle at a wedding in Cana. We will have the service of the Blessing of the Water in place of Matins at 9:00AM; this is the holy water that will be used for house blessings throughout the season.
As we Follow the Orthodox custom of having the priest bless the homes of parishioners during the season of Epiphany, please speak with Fr. Nicholas or Fr. Raphael to schedule your house blessing soon.
The annual Parish Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 19, at which time new members of the Parish Council will be elected and reports on the various activities of the parish will be given.
The March for Life, the annual gathering in Washington of Christians and others who oppose abortion and support life-affirming legislation by our government. This year’s March is on Wednesday, January 22. We will celebrate a Mass at St. Gregory’s at 9:30 that morning and provide breakfast for those attending who will participate in the march.
Thanks to Patrick Woolley for his gift to the church of a new holy water font which he purchased on his visit to Rome.
View the complete January newsletter here.