Thank you to all who helped with preparations for our Christmas celebrations: to all who decorated the church and the parish hall, to those who served at the altar, to those who sang, to those who cooked and shared a bountiful feast, to those who prayed. We have been truly blessed to be together in this holy time.
The feast day services in the month of January are the Feast of the Circumcision of our Lord on Jan. 1, which we will celebrate on that Saturday morning with Matins at 9:30AM and Sung Mass at 10 (pot-luck brunch following). The Feast of the Epiphany will be celebrated on the Eve, Wednesday, January 5, with the Great Blessing of Water at 6:30PM and Mass at 7, followed by a pot-luck supper.
Our collection of canned and packaged food for the Archdiocesan Food for Hungry People program will continue until Sunday, January 8, when it will be weighed and donated to a local food bank.
Our annual Parish meeting will be postponed until March. At that time, Parish Council elections will be held, reports on various church projects will be given and the end-of-year parish donations to charity will be announced.
Epiphany house blessings can now be scheduled with Fr. Nicholas or Fr. Raphael and can take place until Feb. 19, the beginning of the pre-Lent and Lenten seasons.
The new 2022 parish calendars, featuring icons of Western monastic saints, are now available.
Read the full January newsletter here.