The Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord (Candlemas and the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary), February 2, falls on Sunday this year. At this service, candles are blessed to be used throughout the year, as we hear the story of Christ’s Presentation in the Temple recounted in St. Luke’s Gospel in which St. Simeon refers to the Child as a Light to enlighten the Gentiles and the glory of thy people Israel [Luke 2:32, and the nunc dimittis]. At the end of the Liturgy, we will anticipate St. Blaise day (February 3) and offer the blessing of throats.
The season of Epiphany will come to an end the week following February 9, the Last Sunday after Epiphany. We will put away the Alleluia until we resume this joyful chant at Pascha. The three-week period of preparation – the “gesima” Sundays – for the longer
period of preparation – Lent – will begin on February 16.
Our annual Parish Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 23, during coffee hour. This is an opportunity to hear reports from the Parish Council, the Treasurer, our Pastor, and others on our work as Christians in this church family.
Thanks to all who contributed to the 251 pounds of canned and packaged food which we collected this year for the Food for Hungry People program of the Archdiocese, and thanks to the Caldwell family for delivering this collection to the Manna Food Bank.
St. Gregory’s will again host a neighborhood pot-luck dinner in our Parish Hall on Sunday, February 16. These events are a way for us to become known in the neighborhood and to show Christian hospitality.
Read the full February newsletter here.