(Feast Day ~ March 21) Two hundred years after St. Anthony followed the Gospel admonition to sell all that he had and follow Christ to a life of asceticism in the Egyptian desert, another was born whose decision to lead this same life has had a lasting influence through all the centuries since then. Twins […]
St. Serapion, the “Sindonite”
Feast Day ~ March 21 Not many people would take the words of our Lord Jesus Christ so literally and have it impact their lives so dramatically as did the Apostles, who left all and followed Him [Mark 10:28-30]. Most Christians would be willing to give a portion of their income to the Church or […]
St. Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, Bishop and Confessor
(Feast Day ~ March 20th) The story of St. Cuthbert must be told in two remarkable chapters – one of his lifetime of holiness, and the other of the centuries following his death. The son (born c. 634) of Anglo-Saxon Christian parents living in the north of England, Cuthbert experienced a miraculous occurrence while still […]
St. Joseph the Betrothed
(Feast Day ~ March 19) Like so many saints who have stepped onto the world’s “stage” for a brief period and then disappeared from the records, St. Joseph is one about whom we have only the bare facts. He appears in Holy Scripture from prior to the birth of our Lord until the 12-year-old Jesus […]
St. Nikolai of Ochrid and Zhica
(Feast Day ~ March 18) St. Paul tells us to “run with endurance the race that is set before us” [Hebrews 12:1]. If we are to reach our heavenly reward, we are to “fight the good fight” [I Timothy 6:12] and to be “steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord” [I Corinthians […]
St. Cyril of Jerusalem
Feast Day ~ March 18) Those of us who love history often wish for the “good old days.” Orthodox lovers of history often wish for the golden age of a Christian empire when Church and State formed a perfect partnership. But if we honestly look at the facts of history without the rose-colored glasses, we […]
St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland
(Feast Day ~ March 17) Has there ever been another saint so enmeshed in folklore, popular tradition, and ethnic pride as St. Patrick? And is it possible to peel away the layers of shamrocks, snake-herding and green beer to get a glimpse of the truly remarkable missionary to the people of Ireland? Let us look […]
St. Eulogius, Priest and Martyr
(Feast Day ~ March 11) As Christians, we are called to proclaim, with St. Peter, that there is no other name than Jesus by which we may be saved [Acts 4:12]; with the Holy Apostles, we are commissioned to go and make disciples of all the nations [Matthew 28:19]; we are to take to heart […]
St. Gregory the Great
(Feast Day ~ March 12) Our holy father in God, St. Gregory, has many appellations – “the Great”, the “Dialogist”, “Apostle to the English”; Patriarch (Pope) of Rome; “Servant of the servants of God”; Bishop, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church. Each of these titles represents a facet of the saint’s life and brings with […]
St. Sophronius of Jerusalem
(Feast Day ~ March 11) Christian literature – from Holy Scriptures, the teachings of the Fathers of the Church, and the lives of the saints to the writings of present-day theologians – is full of “the journey” as a metaphor for the spiritual life. The liturgical year and the ceremonies and rituals of the Church use […]
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