A few selections recorded by our choir (pieces marked with an * are from a CD recorded by singers from several Western Rite parishes).
Music for the Daily Office
The Magnificat (with a simple setting of the antiphon)
The Nunc dimittis
The Te Deum
The Benedictus (with a simple setting of the antiphon)
O Trinity of Blessed Light (An Office hymn for Vespers by St. Ambrose)
The Salve Regina (A hymn to the Mother of God from the 11th century)
Music for the Mass
Introit (for Pentecost XIX)
Kyrie Eleison (From the Missa de Angelis)
Gloria in Excelsis (From the Missa de Angelis)
Gradual and Alleluia (for Pentecost XIX)
Nicene Creed (Ambrosian Chant)
Offertory (for Pentecost XIX)
Sursum Corda and Common Preface
Sanctus and Benedictus (From the Missa de Angelis)
Agnus Dei (From the Missa de Angelis)
Communion (for Pentecost XIX)
Music for Special Occasions
Confirm, O Lord (To be sung at Baptisms)*
The Litany of Saints (The full version for Rogation, etc.)*
O Priest and Bishop (With Benedictus, for the Solemn Reception of the Bishop)*
Now Do we Celebrate (With Magnificat, for the Blessing of Water at Epiphany)*
O My People (The Reproaches for Holy Friday)*
Christus Vincit (The Royal Acclamations, which may be sung on Palm Sunday, Christ the King, etc.)*
Into Paradise (To be sung at Requiem Masses when the body is led from the church)*
Music to be Sung During the Distribution of Communion
Ave Maria*
Christ became obedient unto death*
Like as the Hart (A setting of Psalm 42)
Receive me Today*