Many of these articles are from past issues of our newsletter.
Articles marked with + are much longer presentations.
Saints & Feast Days
- Visions of the Mother of God
- Missionary Saints of Ireland
- Saints of the Canon of the Mass
- Saints of the Passion
- Holy Mary: Seat of Wisdom
- Saints of the Patriarchate
- Saints of the Holy Land
- + Introducing the Saints of the Orthodox West
Liturgy & the Liturgical Year
- Ceremonies of Holy Week
- Ceremonies of Baptism and Chrismation
- Rogation Days
- Dedication of Churches
- Stations of the Cross
- The History of Ash Wednesday
- Keeping a Holy Lent
- Ember Days
- The History of Advent
- + Do This in Remembrance Reflections on the Mass
- + The Orthodox Understanding of Death With notes on the Western Rite services for the departed
- Which Rite is Right?
- The Unction Mass on Holy Wednesday
- + The Things We Use in our Worship
Part I: The Church and the Altar
Part II: The Vestments
Part III: The Vessels and Other Items - Notes on Praying the Daily Office
- Remembrance in Holy Week
- + The Daily Office: Its History, Structure and Practice (2016 ROCOR Western Rite Conference presentation)
Part I: Introduction and History of The Office
Part II: The Structure of The Office
Part III: The Practice of The Office - The Eucharist & the Dove
- Singing with the Fathers
- O Antiphons
- + A Manual of Church Music For Western Rite Orthodox Musicians
- Music at St. Gregory’s
- Sequence Hymns
- Chanting the Psalms
- The Scriptural Foundation of Hymnody: Preparing for the St. Ambrose Hymnal
- Theological Issues and Concerns: Preparing for the St. Ambrose Hymnal
- Historical Issues in Western Hymnody: Preparing for the St. Ambrose Hymnal
- Criteria for musical selection: Preparing for the St. Ambrose Hymnal
- O Gladsome Light
- Psalms of David
- The Use of the Organ in the Orthodox Church
- Of the Father’s love begotten
- I bind unto myself today
- The royal banners forward go
- Dies Irea
- Music for St. John the Baptist
The Western Rite
- Comments on the Western Rite by His Eminence, Metropolitan ANTHONY
- Comments on the Western Rite by His Grace, Bishop BASIL
- Comments on the Western Rite by His Eminence, Metropolitan ISAIAH (GOA)
- + The Orthodox Western Rite A Clergy Symposium Paper on the History of the Western Rite within the Orthodox Church
- Light in the East: the Restoration of the Orthodox Western Rite
- The Western Rite and the Eastern Church by Fr. David Abramtsov (off-site)
- A Brief History of Western Orthodoxy by Fr. David Abramstov (1960)
- Russian Observations of the American Prayerbook (off-site)
- What Should a Western Rite Orthodox Church Look Like?
- The Call to Repentance in Scripture
- A Homiletical Meditation for the Sunday in the Octave of Election Day
- Orthodoxy: A Holistic Faith
- Reflections on Palliative Care in the Pastoral Ministry
- Incarnational Theology: a bridge between Anglicanism and Orthodoxy